Top tips you should know before traveling to India

Travelling India is one of the best pleasures one can have. I would argue that it’s even better than spending time at home. Just about everything, travelling in India is amazing: the food, weather, sights and sounds – all of them create an unforgettable experience.

  • India is a nation rich in culture and history if you’ve ever visited there.
  • Maybe the Taj Mahal caught your attention, or the fabled Indian Tiger Reserve peaked your interest. Travel advice for foreigners is one of the most challenging aspects of visiting India, though.
  • In addition to offering general information on how to get ready for your trip to India, this book will be helpful in helping you determine if going there is the best choice for you.

Here are some steps you can take to research your destination for a trip to India:

1. Research your destination while travelling India:

  • Determine your interests and needs: Consider the goals you have for your vacation to India. Are you searching for leisure, adventure, or cultural experiences? Do you have any special requirements, such as requiring accessible housing or vegetarian eating options? Your destination alternatives will become more manageable if you know what you desire.
  • Use online resources: You can research your trip using a variety of web tools, such as travel guides, blogs, and forums. Seek out reliable sites that offer truthful and current information.
  • Contact a travel agency: When it comes to organising your trip, a travel agency can offer helpful advice. They may assist you in selecting a location that suits your interests and requirements, assist you in making travel and lodging arrangements, and offer suggestions for sites and activities.
  • Contact the local tourism board: Different state tourism boards in India can provide details on the area, including activities to do, places to stay, and customs and traditions unique to the area. Usually, the destination’s official website has their contact details.
  • Read reviews: Making a well-informed decision can be assisted by reading traveller reviews written by people who have already been there. Look for reviews on travel-related blogs, discussion groups, and social media sites.
  • Consider the time of year: Depending on the location and time of year, the weather and tourism season can vary dramatically. When choosing your trip, keep these things in mind and make your plans appropriately.

2. Visa requirements while travelling India:

A visa is typically required for visitors from outside of India. The actions you must take in order to apply for a visa are listed below:
  • Determine the type of visa you need: Travelers from other countries can visit India using a variety of visas, including student, business, and tourist visas. Analyze your journey and the duration of your stay in India to determine the best type of visa.
  • Check the eligibility requirements: Verify that you are eligible to receive the visa for which you are applying. Depending on where you are from and why you are visiting, these criteria could change.
  • Gather the required documents: Along with a passport that will be valid for a minimum of six months after your date of entry in India, you will also need to submit a completed visa application form and a number of other supporting papers, such as a return airfare and proof of address.
  • Submit your application: You can apply for a visa online or in person at a consulate or embassy in India. You might need to schedule an appointment ahead of time.
  • Pay the visa fee: When you submit your application, you will be required to pay a cost for the visa to India. Depending on the kind of visa you’re applying for and how long you plan to stay, there are different fees.
  • Wait for a decision: Applying for a visa well in advance of your travel is advised because the processing time varies. A communication will be sent to you once a choice has been made regarding your application.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that the conditions for obtaining an Indian visa are liable to change, so it’s wise to confirm the most recent details before submitting an application.

3. During your trip to India, make copies of crucial documents:

Make copies of all of your critical papers, including your passport and travel insurance. When travelling, it’s a good idea to bring backup copies of any crucial papers in case the real ones become misplaced or stolen. Leave one copy with a family member or acquaintance you can trust, and bring the second one with you in a secure place like a hotel safe or secured bag. For instance, having a copy will make replacing your lost or stolen passport easier.

4. Climate conditions in India:

Depending on the region, India’s climate can be extremely hot or very chilly. When researching the weather for a trip to India, keep the following in mind:

  • Check the weather forecast: Checking the weather prediction for your destination and the duration of your vacation is a smart idea. This can help you get a sense of what kind of weather to anticipate in terms of temperature, precipitation, and other factors.
  • Consider the time of year: The time of year has a big impact on the climate in India. For instance, the monsoon season (July to September) is characterised by intense rainfall, whereas the summer months (April to June) are typically hot and dry..
  • Research the region: India is a big nation with numerous distinct areas, each with their own climate. To better prepare yourself, learn more about the climate of the location you will be going.
  • Pack appropriately: Make sure to pack proper clothing and other goods based on the climate where you’re going. For instance, Pack lightweight, breathable clothing, if you’re travelling to a hot, muggy area. You must pack warm clothing if you’re travelling to a cooler climate.
  • Be prepared for unexpected weather: Even if the weather is predicted to be favourable, it is always a good idea to be ready for unforeseen weather. Bring an umbrella or raincoat, and think about carrying a light jacket or sweatshirt in case it gets cooler than predicted.

5. Be aware of cultural differences and customs in India:

India is a multi-cultural nation with a long history and unique customs and traditions. Respecting these distinctions and sticking to regional customs is important.

  • For instance, it’s usual to take your shoes off before entering various places of worship, such mosques, churches and temples. It’s also critical to be aware of social conventions, such as greetings, eye contact, and the usage of gesture.
  • The “namaste” greeting, which entails placing your palms together in front of your chest and lowering your head slightly, is also frequently used.
Tips while travelling to India

6. Currency:

The Indian Rupee is the country of India’s official currency. Although exchanging some cash before your trip is a smart idea, you can also use credit cards or ATMs in big cities. There are various methods available to foreign visitors to India who wish to convert their local currency into Indian rupees:

  • Banks: In India, the majority of banks provide currency exchange services, and several of them have branches that are solely focused on foreign exchange. At a bank branch or an ATM that offers foreign currency exchange, you can exchange your money.
  • Currency exchange centers: Private currency exchange facilities are widely available in India, especially in popular tourist regions. These locations frequently provide competitive exchange rates and may keep open later than banks.
  • Hotels: In India, there are several hotels that offer their visitors money exchange services, particularly in the bigger cities. Although the currency rates might not be as favorable as those in other places, staying at the hotel can make it more convenient.
  • Credit cards and debit cards: In India, you can make purchases using your credit or debit card and get cash from ATMs. It’s a good idea to check with your bank before using your card in India because you can be charged extra costs by your bank for using the card outside of the country.

7. Transportation:

India has a modern, typically secure, and effective transportation system. It’s a good idea to plan ahead and purchase tickets, especially during periods of high travel demand.

 Here are some options for getting around India as a foreign traveler:

  • Flights: There are many major airports in India, and there are many domestic airlines that fly to important cities and popular tourist locations.
  • Trains: The vast Indian railway network connects the majority of important cities and towns. Trains are a well-liked and reasonably priced mode of transportation, but it’s a good idea to reserve tickets in advance, particularly during busy travel times.
  • Buses: In India, both public and commercial bus companies run regular routes to a wide range of locations. Compared to trains, buses are more expensive, and the trip may be longer and less comfortable.
  • Taxis: For short-distance or long-distance travel, taxis are readily accessible in India and can be rented. Prior to beginning your journey, you should haggle over the fee. You should also select a reputable business or app-based service like Uber, Ola, and Zoom Cars etc.
  • Auto rickshaws: Small, three-wheeled auto rickshaws are frequently utilised for local travel. They may not be as comfy as cabs, but they are typically less expensive. You will still have a unique and exciting experience.
  • Renting a car/bike:It is possible to rent a car in India, but it’s crucial to be aware that the country’s busy highways and heavy traffic can make driving difficult. If you don’t feel confident driving in India, it’s a smart idea to hire a driver.

8. Food:

With numerous regional specialties and meals that are exclusive to particular regions of the country, Indian cuisine is renowned for its variety and flavour. Here are a few things regarding Indian cuisine that visitors from other countries ought to be aware of:

  • Spices: Indian cuisine is renowned for its strong flavors, and spices like coriander, cumin, and turmeric are frequently utilized. To generate flavors that are complex and aromatic, these spices are commonly used in combination.
  • Vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes: Numerous Indian recipes are vegetarian, and India has a sizable vegetarian community. But there are also lots of meat, fish, and poultry-based non-vegetarian recipes. When ordering food, it’s crucial to be explicit about your dietary requirements.
  • Rice and bread: The staple foods of the Indian cuisine are rice and bread, both of which come in a wide variety. While breads like roti, naan, and paratha are frequently offered with a variety of cuisines, rice is frequently served with curries.
  • Street food: Indian street food is an essential component of the country’s culture and a terrific way to sample a range of cuisines. When consuming street food, it’s crucial to exercise caution because sanitary standards can differ. If you have a delicate stomach, it’s best to stick with well-known vendors and stay away from street cuisine.
  • Drinks: India is the birthplace of many energizing beverages, including lassi (a yogurt-based drink), badam milk, and chai (tea) . Coconut water and fresh fruit juices are also frequently available. It’s crucial to be aware that drinking Indian tap water is may not good for foreigners (depends on the individuals), thus it’s best to stick to bottled water or beverages produced with heated water.
Tips while travelling India

9. Accommodation:

For foreign visitors to India, there are numerous lodging alternatives, including hotels, guesthouses, and hostels. When selecting a place to stay in India, keep the following in mind:

  • Location: Take into account the lodging’s location and whether it is convenient for the activities you have scheduled. It’s a good idea to pick a place that is secure, simple to get there, and has reliable public transportation.
  • Price: There are several pricing tiers between cheap and luxurious lodging options in India. Set your spending limit, then hunt for options that fall within it.
  • Amenities: The accommodations’ features, such as WiFi, air conditioning, and a restaurant or bar, should be taken into account. Select a choice that satisfies your needs by deciding which amenities are crucial to you.
  • Safety: When selecting accommodations, safety is a crucial factor. Choose options with safes or lockboxes for valuables and secure entries and exits.
  • Reviews: Reading reviews written by other travellers can give you useful information about the quality of the lodging. Look for reviews on travel-related blogs, message boards, and social media sites.
  • Book in advance: Booking your lodging in advance is a good idea, especially during periods of high travel demand. This will guarantee that you have a spot to stay when you get there and may enable you to get the ideal deal.

10. Stay Safe:

Although visiting India is typically safe, it’s always a good idea to be mindful of your surroundings and adopt simple safety measures. Being mindful of your surroundings is usually a good idea when travelling, especially in unknown territory.

11. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it while travelling in India:

Generally speaking, Indians are exceedingly hospitable and eager to assist visitors. Never be afraid to ask for help if you become lost or have a question.

  • If you have any questions or concerns, you may also approach your hotel or tour operator for assistance.
  • You can ask a local for directions or suggestions, for instance, if you’re having problems finding a specific restaurant or destination.

12. Learn a few key phrases in the local language while travelling in India:

With more than 21 languages that are recognized by the government, India has a rich linguistic landscape. The majority of people across the states in India can speak and understand English, especially in the large and middle-sized cities.

When choosing a language to study in preparation for a trip to India, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Consider the region you will be visiting: It’s a good idea to think about the language used in the area of India you will be visiting since different regions of India speak different languages. If you are visiting the southern states of India, for instance, learning a few basic Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, or Malayalam words may be helpful. And if you’re travelling to the north, Hindi is the most widely spoken language there.
  • Think about your purpose of visit: It could be advantageous to learn the local language of the area you will be staying in if you are travelling to India for business or to study. This can assist you in connecting with the community and communicating with nearby business partners or coworkers.
  • Consider the language spoken by your host: It could be beneficial to learn some fundamental words and phrases in the language spoken by your host or host family if you are staying with them.
  • English is widely spoken: In India, especially in the larger cities and popular tourist locations, English is commonly spoken. You might be able to get by with merely speaking English in India because so many people there speak it well. But being able to communicate with locals by acquiring a few basic words and phrases in their language might be seen as a gesture of respect.