Education Insurance: Protecting Your Investment in Your Child’s Future

As a parent, you know that investing in your child’s future is no joke. But what if I told you there’s a way to protect that investment with a little something called education insurance? Think of it as a superhero cape for your child’s academic journey. So put down the textbooks and pay attention, because we’re about to dive into the world of education insurance and how it can save the day for your child’s future.

What is Education Insurance?

In the event of a parent’s passing, incapacity, or other unanticipated occurrences, education insurance is a form of insurance coverage that assists in paying for a child’s educational expenses. It is intended to offer financial assistance for a child’s education so that they can complete their studies without being interrupted or putting a financial strain on the family.

Why education plan is important?

A child education plan is a type of insurance that assists in paying for a kid’s education in the event of a parent’s passing, incapacity, or another unanticipated disaster. A parent may wish to think about getting a child education plan for a number of reasons:

  1. To ensure that the education of the child won’t be disrupted in the event of the parent’s death or disability.
  2. To provide financial support for a kid’s college expenses, like tuition, room and board, and other related fees.
  3. To lessen the strain on a family’s finances that coming up with the money for a child’s education might cause.
  4. To support parents as they make educational plans for their kids and ensure that they will have the opportunity to enroll in college or other higher education institutions.
  5. Either cash-value or savings-based insurance policies, to help parents build a nest egg for the education of their child.
  6. Regardless of what happens to them, to provide parents with the assurance that they have taken all reasonable steps to prepare for their children’s future education.

Altogether, a child education plan can give parents a feeling of security and peace of mind by guaranteeing that their child’s education would be handled, regardless of what happens. The family can use it as a useful tool for risk management and financial planning.

What are various types of education insurance plans?

In India, there are several types of child plans offered by insurance companies, which can be broadly categorized into the following types:

  1. Child Endowment Plans: These arrangements offer a fixed sum at policy maturity that may be applied to a child’s schooling or other costs.
  2. Child insurance plans: This plan offer a lump sum payment in the event of a parent’s untimely death, which can be used to cover the cost of the child’s education.
  3. Child Savings Plans: These plans are a kind of savings strategy that let parents regularly set aside funds for their children’s future costs, such as education. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and Public Provident Fund are two common instances.
  4. Unit Linked Child Plans: These plans combine the benefits of life insurance and investing by putting a portion of the money into different market-linked funds and using the balance to provide life insurance.
  5. Child Education Plans: These programmes are made especially to help pay for a child’s education. They could offer a one-time payment when the policy reaches its maturity or reoccurring payments for the life of the child’s schooling.
  6. Child pension plans: These arrangements make regular payments over a certain period of time to cover the child’s schooling and living expenses in the event that the policyholder passes away.

It is significant to remember that each type of child plan has a unique set of features and advantages, so it is advised to evaluate several plans and be familiar with their terms and conditions before making a purchase.

How does the education policy works to child?

Child plans are a type of insurance policy that is designed to provide financial support for a child’s education in the event of a parent’s death, disability, or other unforeseen circumstance. These plans typically work in the following way:

  1. The parent purchases the child’s policy, which normally entails regular premium payments (e.g. monthly, annually).
  2. The parent selects the benefits and coverage they desire for the plan. The sum of the death benefit, the duration of the policy, and any other features, such as savings or investment components, may all be included in this.
  3. The kid plan offers a cash advantage to the child in the event of the parent’s demise or handicap. The cost of the child’s educational expenditures, such as tuition, lodging and board, and other associated fees, may be covered by this benefit.
  4. Some child plans also include an investment or savings component. This means that a portion of the parent-paid premium is invested and grows over time, growing into a sum that can be used to cover the cost of the child’s education.
  5. Some child plans additionally provide the maturity benefit option, which allows parents to choose whether to withdraw money at maturity or utilise it for their child’s education.
  6. As the child’s needs and the parent’s financial status evolve over time, the parent can evaluate and amend the plan.

Are education insurance plans are tax free?

In India, Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act allows child plans to qualify for tax benefits.

  • A child plan’s premium can be deducted from taxes under Section 80C up to a limit of Rs 1.5 lakh per fiscal year. In other words, if a parent pays a premium of Rs. 1.5 lakh or less in a fiscal year, they are eligible to deduct the full cost from their taxes.
  • The maturity or death benefits received under a child plan are tax-free under Section 10(10D). As a result, the child won’t be responsible for paying taxes on the benefits obtained in the event of the parent’s passing or the policy’s maturity.
  • You should speak with a tax expert or financial counselor to understand how the tax laws apply to your particular situation because the aforementioned tax benefits are subject to changes in tax rules.

In conclusion, child insurance plans are eligible for tax benefits under the Indian Income Tax Act, which can assist parents in saving money on taxes and making more tax-efficient arrangements for their child’s education.

What are the best education child plans?

There are many child plans available in India, and the best plan for you will depend on your specific needs and financial situation. Some of the most popular and well-regarded child plans in India include:

  1. LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan: This is a traditional money-back plan which offers survival benefits to the policyholder and death benefits to the nominee in case of death of the policyholder during the policy term.
  2. HDFC SL Young Star Super Premium: This plan provides death and maturity benefits and also offers an inbuilt critical illness rider.
  3. ICICI Pru Smart Kid: This plan provides financial support for the child’s education and also has a savings component.
  4. SBI Life Smart Scholar: This plan offers a death benefit and maturity benefit along with a waiver of premium on the death or disability of the parent.
  5. Max Life Smart Achieve Plan: This plan provides financial support for the child’s education, with the added benefit of a savings component, and also offers an inbuilt critical illness rider.

It’s crucial to conduct your own study and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various child plans before choosing one. It’s also a good idea to speak with a financial counselor to determine how a particular plan meshes with your overall financial strategy and risk management tactics.

How much one should invest in a education insurance plan?

The amount that you should invest in a child plan depends on your specific needs and financial situation. When determining how much to invest in a child plan, there are a few things to consider:

  1. Your child’s education expenses: The expected cost of your child’s education, including tuition, lodging and board, and other related costs, should be taken into account. You can determine how much you need to save in order to pay for these expenses from this.
  2. Your current savings: Consider all of the funds you currently have set aside for your child’s education, including any savings accounts or investments you may have made. You may then estimate how much more money you need to put away in order to attain your objective.
  3. Your budget: Calculate how much you can comfortably set aside each month for a child plan after taking into account your existing income and costs
  4. You should think about your investing horizon and risk tolerance.: While some kid plans may offer a better rate of return but also a higher degree of risk, other child plans may offer a lower rate of return but also reduced risk.
  5. Benefits from investing in aa child plan: Take into account the tax advantages provided by Sections 80C and 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act while investing in a child plan.

Starting an investment in a kid plan as soon as feasible is generally advised because it will offer your money more time to grow and compound. Additionally, it’s critical to monitor and modify your investment amount as your family’s requirements and financial condition evolve.

Scenario of an education insurance child plan:

Here is a sample illustration of how a child insurance plan in India might work:


  • The child’s current age is 10 years old
  • The child’s education expenses are estimated to be Rs 20 lakhs for higher education
  • The plan has a tenure of 20 years
  • The parent is paying an annual premium of Rs 50,000
  • The plan has a maturity benefit of 110% of the premiums paid and death benefit of 125% of the sum assured

Here’s how the plan might work:

  1. Over the next 10 years, the parent pays an annual premium of Rs 50,000 for a total of Rs 5 lakhs.
  2. At the age of 20, the child is ready to go to college.
  3. If the parent is alive, the maturity benefit of 110% of the premiums paid (Rs 5,50,000) is paid out to the child, which can be used to pay for the child’s education expenses.
  4. If the parent passes away during the policy term, the death benefit of 125% of the sum assured (Rs 6,25,000) is paid to the child, which can be used to pay for the child’s education expenses.
  5. If both the parent and the child survive the policy term, the child gets the maturity benefit of Rs 5,50,000 and the parent gets the maturity benefit of Rs 50,000

The real benefits will depend on the plan, the premium paid, and other circumstances; it’s crucial to remember that this is just an example scenario. Additionally, it’s crucial to review and modify your plan as your family’s finances and your child’s demands evolve.

What are the documents required for the education insurance plan?

Here is a list of documents that are typically required when buying a child insurance plan in India:

  1. Identity proof: PAN cards, Aadhaar cards, and passports are examples of identification proof.
  2. Age proof: Documents like a birth certificate or a diploma from high school count as proof of age.
  3. Address proof: Utility bills, rental agreements, passports, and other papers are acceptable forms of proof of address.
  4. Income Proof: This includes records like paystubs, tax returns, or Form 16 of child parents.
  5. Medical Reports: Depending on the plan you select, you may be required to submit medical records for yourself, your kid, or both.
  6. Nomination Form: This form is used to designate the beneficiary who will receive benefits in the event that the policyholder passes away.
  7. Form of Proposal: This is the main application, and it contains information on the applicant’s identity, the terms of the insurance, and how to pay the premiums.

It’s crucial to remember that depending on the insurance provider and the plan you select, the documentation needed may change. It is best to confirm the precise list of documents needed with the insurance company. Verifying that the documents are current and legitimate is always advised, as is keeping copies of all the paperwork for your records.